[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, March 2010

  1. New Practice Tree 'Plus' Version
  2. New Valve Spring Tester Options
  3. Stan Weiss Head Flow Data - Special 50% Off Offer
  4. Tip for Dyno Operators - Keep a Spare RPM Sensor on Hand
  5. Funny Farm - New Laughs
  6. Last February's Newsletter


1)  New Practice Tree 'Plus' Version  One of our Practice Tree customers, Chuck DeMory of CJD Enterprises, had an excellent suggestion.  He needed a shift light feature, to check a driver's reaction time to the shift light after the launch.  Chuck is an ex Pro Stock driver and now Crew Chief for Nostalgia ProStreet, and realizes how critical it is to shift at the optimum engine RPM.  Shift too soon or too late and you are slowing down your ET.  In fact, Chuck said it was OK for you to call him if you want 847-910-3742.

  click on image to enlarge it

Well, we took Chuck's suggestion, started working, and now got it ready for release.  Some of the Shift Light features include:

Specifying the duration of the shift light to say on, typically .5 seconds.
Specifying how many shifts are needed for the run.
Specifying individual Start/Launch RPM and Shift RPM for each gear.
Adding realistic engine sound.
Being able to specify a "trick RPM" to trick the driver into shifting at the desired engine RPM by having the shift light come on at a different RPM.
Presenting a results summary of how you shifted, including an estimate of how much your ET slowed down by missing the desired shift RPM.
A "Load Default Settings" Wizard, to fill in most all Shift Light specs from as few as 4 inputs.

 to see more screens for the Plus Version's Shift Light features.  At the bottom of this screen, you can order the complete Practice Tree 'Plus' Version for $79.95.

If you already own the Practice Tree (any version), you can update to the latest v2.0 with the Plus Version Shift Light features for $45.  You will have to update your exiting Practice Tree to the very latest version.  to download this latest version.


2)  New Valve Spring Tester Options  Our Valve Spring Testers offer excellent accuracy and repeatability, in either an inexpensive Manual Tester, or our Automatic Pneumatic Tester.  The Manual Tester has had some recent updates.  It is now a USB device.  (The Automatic Tester was always USB.)  It is now powered by the USB cable, requiring only one connection.    for complete information on both testers.

Manual Spring Tester          Automatic Spring Tester

Recently we've added some new options for our Manual Valve Spring Tester:

SPV-L3+      High (3.30 inch) Spring Opening Option to accommodate       $  185  
             very large valve springs, common in certain drag race
             classes.  (Note:  Due to tolerances in various presses
             we use, the actual opening could be as high as 3.40" or
SPV-LCNS     Non Standard Load Cell xxx lbs to accommodate smaller or     $  50
             or larger than typical valve springs.  Ranges (xxx) 
             include 250, 500, 1500, 2000 and 2500 lbs.  
SPV11C-STK   Valve Spring Tester, Complete Kit with calibrated Load       $1199
             cell and 3" length sensor.  This includes EVERYTHING 
             except the press.  This kit only makes sense if you live
             overseas and want to avoid the expensive shipping (which
             can be as high as $400 or more) for the heavy 55 lb
             (22 Kg) complete test stand.  Shipping for just this 
             kit will be more like $70.  

Valve Spring Tester Kit.jpg (313181 bytes) click image of   SPV11C-STK   kit to enlarge it.

So, if you need to measure the big springs, we can build you a tester to measure springs up to 3.30" free height and measure loads up to 1500, 2000 or 2500 lbs.

Or, if you are overseas, like Australia, Europe, South Africa, Taiwan, etc., you can build your own valve spring tester using your own press for under $1300 including shipping.


3)  Stan Weiss Head Flow Data - Special 50% Off Offer  Stan Weiss has created a website with lots of cylinder Head Flow data he's collected.  The data is offered free to anyone who visits his website at:


Our updated Engine Analyzer Pro can read his flow files, which can also include some Head specs like valve size, port volume, etc. 

Stan has made all this flow data available in this file format on CD.  Until June 15 2010, he's offering a special 50% discount off the standard $34.95.  You get all his flow data files for only $17.47 by purchasing on line at the link below:


Note:  When we update our Engine Analyzer v3.2 to v3.4 (both standard and Plus versions), they will also read Stan Weiss's flow data files.


4)  Tip for Dyno Operators - Keep a Spare RPM Sensor on Hand  We just sent two $35 RPM sensors (one for a spare) to a dyno operator in Australia, for $85 shipping who needed them ASAP.  The inexpensive dyno RPM sensor is the most critical sensor for both inertia and water brake dynos.  I strongly recommend owners of our Dyno DataMite systems to purchase one to have on hand.  They are VERY easy to replace.

  (click image to enlarge it)  

Call 248-473-9230 to order.  Or  click here to email us with your shipping address and we can determine the exact shipping cost.  Then you can order on line.


5)  Funny Farm - New Laughs  We've received some good ones from friends and customers, and added them to the Funny Farm page.  Thanks all.  The newer stuff is marked "Mar 2010".  If you got something you want to share, click here to email it to us.  to visit the Funny Farm.

Breakfast in Bed.jpg (61087 bytes)   (click image to enlarge it)  Mar 2010


6) Last February's Newsletter  Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of February 2010's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at: http://www.performancetrends.com/news.htm#newsletters

  1. DataMite III Drag Car Sportsman Plus w 8 EGTs for $1299 - NHRA Accepted
  2. DataMite III Logger for your Circle Track or Road Race Car
  3. Customer's Custom Flow Benches
  4. Darin Morgan's Head Design Seminar
  5. Engine Analyzer Pro v3.9, minor updates
  6. Last January's Newsletter

