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    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, July 2009


  1. New Demo Movie Files for DataMite Hardware and Software
  2. New Demo Movie Files for Suspension Analyzer
  3. New Demo Movie Files for Roll Center and Circle Track Analyzer
  4. Weekly Blog
  5. Funny Farm, New Humor
  6. Last May's Newsletter


1)  New Demo Movie Files for DataMite Hardware and Software  OK, we get it.  No one likes to read user manuals.  So, we've been trying something different.  We use a screen recorder and video camera and talk about what we're doing to produce a Demo Movie file.  These can be played on your computer.  You can just sit back and listen to us describe what we're doing, and hopefully better understand how the hardware and software work. 

DataMite III USB 001.jpg (20796 bytes)  Dyno DataMite 3.gif (41678 bytes)  (click images to enlarge)

We start with the basics of just getting our new USB DataMites to "talk" to your computer, and then get into most all the details on getting your program to work with engine or chassis dynos, inertia or water brake dynos.  There's about 20 movie files in all.  Each has a text description of what the movie discusses so you only need to watch what you need.

Click on the blue link to check these out:   Dyno DataMite Demo Movie Files  

If you have a Drag Race or Road Race DataMite, or an older Dyno DataMite before the USB DataMite loggers, these still will have info to help you understand your system.  We strongly recommend ALL DataMite users check out what DataMite movies we have.  Even if you have a different program, you may pick up pointers to how the graph screens work, how to make a report, etc. as most of our programs are laid out the same.

NOTE:  To keep the movie file size small for fast downloading, we must make these at a very low resolution and screen size (600 x 800 pixels).  Your actual program will look much more clear and crisp, and most likely larger with more information on the screen.

Here's links to our DataMite products:  Dyno DataMiteDrag Race DataMiteRoad Race/Circle Track DataMite


2)  New Demo Movie Files for Suspension Analyzer  We've added 5 new movie files which discuss many features of the 3-D Suspension Analyzer.  We strongly recommend all owners and potential buyers of the Suspension Analyzer take a look.

SuspAn1.gif (24315 bytes)  (click image to enlarge it)

Click on the blue link to check these out:    Suspension Analyzer Demo Movie Files 

As we had before, there is also a movie showing how the Road Race DataMite can send shock travel and track map data to the Suspension Analyzer for detailed analysis of "on track" suspension motion.

Here's links to our Suspension Analyzer:  Suspension Analyzer v2.0


3)  New Demo Movie Files for Roll Center and Circle Track  We've added 1 new movie file which discusses the difference in the 3 programs contained in our current Circle Track Analyzer v3.6.  This one program contains:

The simple Roll Center Calculator v3.6 with front end geometry only
The Roll Center Calculator Plus v3.6 with front end and rear end geometry, and front-to-rear balance calculations
The full Circle Track Analyzer v3.6 with front end and rear end geometry, two methods front-to-rear balance calculations (simple and detailed with aero and cross weight effects), lap time predictions, and more.

CTA35 Jacking.gif (51291 bytes) (click image to enlarge it)

Click on the blue link to check these out:  Circle Track Analyzer Movie Files 

In this Demo Movie File section are also movies on the Circle Track Log Book, Circle Track Analyzer v3.5 (most all of which applies directly to the new v3.6), and Suspension Analyzer.  We strongly recommend potential buyers of these programs to take a look, to understand the differences.

Here's links to these products:  Roll Center Calculator v3.6 (std and Plus)Circle Track Analyzer v3.6


4)  Weekly  Blog  We're still doing the weekly blog.  Check out some of the latest articles at (click on blue link)  Weekly Blog


5)  More Funny Farm Entries (humor)  We've had a few new additions to our Funny Farm collection of short movie clips, pictures, simple jokes and "down home wisdom" you'll enjoy.  The newer stuff that requires you to open it is marked "July 2009".  If you got something you want to share, click here to email it to us.  Click here to visit the Funny Farm.

Redneck Baby Sitter
Redneck babysitter.jpg (21046 bytes)  click on image to enlarge it.


6) Last May's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of May 2009's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at: http://www.performancetrends.com/news.htm#newsletters

  1. Tools for Your Racing Season
  2. Updates of Some Programs for Vista
  3. Get YOUR Engine File into our Upcoming Engine Analyzer Updates
  4. Roll Center Calculator/Circle Track Analyzer v3.6 Minor Updates
  5. Dave Morgan Drag Race Seminars Coming Up
  6. New Book on Ford Flathead V-8
  7. Last March's Newsletter


