[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986




Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, January 2016  

  1. Dyno Controller Improvements
  2. Dyno DataMite Enterprise now Accepts 2 Torque Inputs
  3. Need Pictures of your Dyno DataMite Setups for Magazine Article
  4. New Questions Answered on our FAQ Page
  5. Last December's Newsletter

to visit our facebook page and "like" us.


1)  Dyno Controller Improvements  We've made some enhancements to our Dyno Controllers.  The most noticeable is our new "hand held" controller which combines 3 functions into 1 unit.

LCD screen and backlight control
Manual control knob
Dyno test start/stop switch

We released this at the 2015 PRI show, with good feedback from customers.  All dyno controllers we ship now have this hand held control controller.  The controller has also been redesigned so the LCD screen can update it's readings and still maintain good control of the dyno.

Dyno Controller Hand Held.jpg (295360 bytes)  click to enlarge image of new, hand held controller  

  for more info on our Dyno Controllers.


2)  Dyno DataMite Enterprise now Accepts 2 Torque Inputs  We've updated the Dyno DataMite Enterprise Edition software to allow for reading and combining 2 torque inputs.  Some dyno systems have 2 load cells, sometimes on 2 different brakes or absorbers.  In Enterprise you can specify 2 torque channels and their torques are added together for a total torque channel, as displayed below.  The 2 separate torques are displayed on the 2 horizontal bar gauges, and Total Torque is displayed on the round gauge on the right.

At this time, the Enterprise Edition offers these major enhancements beyond the Pro version, including:

Reading OBD2 data from the vehicle controller.  
Include a picture of the engine you are testing, or the vehicle the engine's going in, or something else.  This picture can be printed with graphs and reports.    
Averaging Power Runs together.  
Allowing for doing an accelerating and then decelerating portion of a power run, and using the decel portion to estimate losses in the system.  
Allow for manually editing out "noise spikes" in RPM data when the program can not find the spikes by itself.  
Allow for recording Spark Advance with appropriate versions of DataMite 4.  If you own a DataMite 4, it may need to be return so it can be reflashed.  
Allow for combining 2 torque sensor readings (typically load cells) together for a total torque reading. 

  for more info on our Enterprise Edition of the Dyno DataMite software.

Need Pictures of your Dyno DataMite Setups for Magazine Article  Performance Racing Industry (PRI) is looking for our input on a Dynamometer article they are doing.  They are always looking for pictures of products in use, like on your dyno console with the engine in the background, or some particular sensor or controller on the engine or dyno.  Send us a high resolution JPG file and it may appear in the article.  We'll need your OK for publishing it, so please include that in the email, that we have your permission to use your photo for publication.  Sorry for late notice, but we need dyno pics by Feb 4th.

In fact, if you have pictures of our Drag Race or Circle Track/Road Race DataMites or sensors on your vehicle, or most any of our electronic tools in use, send JPG files of those also.  Magazines are always looking for high resolution pictures for their stories. 

  to send us an email and attach the picture file.

4)  New Questions Answered on our FAQ Page
  We are updating our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page every month.  If you
haven't visited it in a while, you may learn a couple of new things about your product.  We also include step-by-step procedures for some of the more complex features we offer.  For example, recent questions answered include:

I have a cam profile in Excel and I want to use it in my Cam Grinding machine that has large grinding wheel. Can Cam Analyzer make that conversion?   
  for the answer        click image to enlarge
The (suspension) programs let me put in Dive and Roll to watch what happens when the suspension moves. How much should I tell the program?  
  for the answer      Shock-Travel-for-Dive-Roll-Estimates.gif (27926 bytes)  click image to enlarge


  to visit our FAQ page for dozens of answers on all our products.


5) Last December's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of December 2015's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Thank You
  2. PRI Trade Show Recap
  3. We've got Great Christmas Gift Ideas
  4. Purchase Products by End of Year for Tax Purposes
  5. Holiday Schedule
  6. Last November's Newsletter